Committed To Collective Impact
Our CDS practitioners can help you and your organization improve collaboration, co-creation and innovation efforts for collective impact. CDS can be applied in 5 different ways:
Challenge Dialogues (CD)
Rapid Performance Improvement (RPI)
Collaborative Outcome Mapping (COM)
Innovation Design Network (NET)
Strategic Foresight (SF)
Challenge Dialogues (CD)
Takes groups of 10 to 100 through structured time-based conversations (both online and in person) focused on solving a specific challenge or realizing a significant opportunity or action pathway. “Standard” dialogues run 3 to 6 months, while “Mini” dialogues can produce significant results in 4 to 14 days.
Rapid Performance Improvement (CDS:RPI)
Applies the principles, processes, and tools of the CDS core methodology to help leaders and teams make rapid improvements to their performance within their organizations and among the organizations they are collaborating with. It uses a distinctive approach to mentoring and includes support for initial efforts to establish a team, to build a strategy and operating plan, and to utilize technologies to create a practical, customized knowledge support system.
Collaborative Outcome Mapping (CDS:COM)
Builds on results from time-based Challenge Dialogues with a more tactical and action planning focus using a collaborative outcome mapping approach that also leverages the well-established, global Theory of Change methodology and related communities of practice: Center for Theory of Change; Collective Impact (e.g., Tamarack Institute and FSG), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Over the course of several workshops, the conditions that need to occur to achieve a shared long-term goal are identified. As these conditions are identified, they are mapped incrementally as a connected and coherent set of interventions, outcomes, long-term goals, and beneficial impacts. The final product is a visual map called a Collaborative Outcome Change Framework (COFC).
Collaborative Innovation Networks (CDS:NET)
Assists groups who are looking to find a way to work together flexibility in a network to design, organize, implement and sustain a hub and node network that enables groups to share quickly with low transaction costs and no legal involvement. These hubs are typically centred around significant cross-cutting, systemic challenges of strategic importance. Examples include collaboratives, consortia, alliances, partnerships and clusters.
Strategic Foresight (CDS:SF)
Challenge Dialogues that help organizations, associations, and jurisdictions strengthen their capacity to practice strategic foresight. At its core, strategy is about choosing the actions an organization must take to ensure success and survival. Because the future can never be predicted, CDS:SF provides disciplined tools for understanding the forces at play, assessing the range of possible outcomes and identifying wildcards that could derail all our best guesses about the future and change everything.
The Distinctive Characteristics of Challenge Dialogue
Founder Don Simpson talks through 8 distinctive characteristics of CDS and how it supports collective impact.
Book a discovery call with a CDS Practice Master now.