CDS Action Learning Program
CDS Action Learning Program
The CDS Action Learning Program (ALP)
This learning program combines the FLP (required) with a deeper CDS learning experience that is focused on the development of a plan for a complete, standard Challenge Dialogue – all 8 steps. The resulting plan to address a challenge-focused, time-based Challenge Dialogue is referred to as a Process Planning Memo (PPM) and is normally developed by the Organizing Team for a Challenge Dialogue.
In the ALP, the thinking-through of a complete Challenge Dialogue and co-creation of the PPM can be accomplished in one of 3 ways:
1. An individual learner with an imminent Challenge Dialogue in mind, works with a small Organizing Team for their specific Challenge Dialogue and co-creates a full draft of the PPM. Note – the Organizing Team members do not have to be CDS learners although it is an advantage.
2. An individual learner that does not have a specific Challenge Dialogue in mind, with permission, works with learner and Organizing Team in situation #1.
3. Two or more individual learners that do not have a specific Challenge Dialogue collaborate on a complex challenge of shared interest and think through an entire envisioned Challenge Dialogue to address that complex challenge and develop a full draft PPM.
Please call Keith Jones before registering to discuss these and other possible options - 250.818.2635.
General Description
This learning program combines the SLP (required) with a deeper CDS learning experience that comes with the development of a plan for a complete, standard Challenge Dialogue – all 8 steps. The resulting plan as a Process Planning Memo (PPM). In routine Challenge Dialogues, this plan is normally led by a CDS Facilitator with input from an Organizing Team for the Challenge Dialogue.
In the ALP, the thinking-through of a complete Challenge Dialogue and co-creation of the PPM can be accomplished in one of 3 ways:
1. An individual learner with a specific Challenge Dialogue in mind works with a small Organizing Team for their specific Challenge Dialogue and co-creates a full draft of the PPM. Note – the Organizing Team members do not have to be enrolled in a CDS Leaning Program, although it is an advantage.
2. An individual learner that does not have a specific Challenge Dialogue in mind works with a learner and Organizing Team in situation #1, with their permission.
3. Two or more individual learners that do not have a specific Challenge Dialogue in mind work together on a complex challenge of shared interest and think through an entire (envisioned) Challenge Dialogue to address their complex challenge and develop a full draft PPM.
The ALP is a pre-requisite for learners who wish to become an Accredited CDS Practitioner.
The Approach
Learning Elements
The ALP consists of four main elements:
All of the elements for the Foundation Learning Program (six elements)
Focused mentoring support for the design of one actual, or one imagined, challenge-focused, time-based, Challenge Dialogue and development of the Process Planning Memo(typically involves an Organizing Team for the Challenge Dialogue)
Mediated provision of Process Planning Memo support materials
8-hours of mentoring support is provided for imminent Challenge Dialogue including establishing and orienting an Organizing Team; or, guidance in thinking through an entire 8-step Challenge Dialogue plan for an envisioned complex challenge
CDS Network Access
Participants will have access to the CDS Network:
Quarterly, moderated 1.5-hour check-in with CDS practitioners and practitioners-in-training
Ongoing access to CDS materials as they are made available, updated, and enhanced
Outputs (Deliverables Produced by the Learners)
At the end of this process, participants will have gained deeper levels of knowledge and insights about how to help diverse groups to collaborate and innovate. They would also have:
gained some hands-on experience in practicing how to apply CDS in the early stages (i.e., the “prepare” steps 1, 2 and 3) of challenge-focused and time-based real-life or envisioned Challenge Dialogue
thought-through many of the key elements that comprise the main CDS documents required to organize and operate a Challenge Dialogue on a complex challenge of strategic importance to them
developed increased capacity for seeing how these CDS resources can be applied in other ways to drive improved performance and facilitate, enable, and empower transformative change
prepared themselves to start utilizing some of the CDS principles, processes and tools with their organization and clients
if applicable, positioned themselves as a practitioner-in-training to be considered for involvement in some CDS Network assignment that may interest them
Total Time Required
The ALP is undertaken in conjunction with the FLP but should not be started until after the learner has at least read through the introduction to CDS (context, principles, and overview), Module 1 - Identifying the Need for a Challenge Dialogue; Module 2 - Plan the Challenge Dialogue; and Module 3 - Engage the Participants.
Ultimately the ALP requires a reasonable level of familiarity with all 8-steps for an entire Challenge Dialogue, in other words, the learner needs to read and understand all FLP modules. As noted above, the estimated time to work through and adsorb the FLP learning material is approximately 20 hours. The estimated time to complete the specific ALP work is approximately 24 hours. However, because the ALP involves coordinating the task with other people (e.g., an Organizing Team or group of learners), the elapsed time will be longer – e.g., 3-5 weeks. We feel the learning process will be diminished if the ALP is carried on much beyond a two-month period. Appendix 2 summarizes the products, services, and work flow of the ALP.
$4,800 per learner. Group pricing for 2 or more is available. Please contact CDS Network for further information (see below).
Payment arrangements are made in advance using the CDS Network website and triggers access to the FLP learning materials, which are an integral part of the ALP.
Note 1 — An FLP learner may decide to enroll in an ALP later. The price for this is the difference between the price for the FLP and the ALP.
Note 2 — Learners planning an imminent Challenge Dialogue will need to establish an Organizing Team as part of their ALP. Members of this team do not have to enroll in a CDS Leaning Program, although it would be an advantage.